Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's the Little Things

I could be having the worst possible day. A day so bad that I don't want to change out of my pajamas, leave the house, answer my phone OR check Facebook. Yup, that bad.

And yet, something so small has the power to turn that frown upside down. Let me share a couple of things that have potential to cheer me up on a bad day.

 A ball of fur. Yup, fur. This little ball of fur will be brought up numerous times throughout my blogging career. He is cute and playful and I love him. He definitely helps cheer me up. Plus, he's the only free "person" during normal working hours.
"Smile," he says!
Really bad-for-you food. Even if this normally makes me feel like crap afterward. (How could I eat that?!? It's clogging my arteries!) However, during the consumption of said bad food, its taste is enough to cheer me up for a good 15 minutes. Then I need to take that ball of fur out for a few dozen long walks. Because a moment of this food on the lips, forever on my hips!
I splurged and hit up Dunkin Donuts on my way home from work. Coffee was home brewed. Mmm whip cream!

All free! Thank you Monopoly game piece instant winners! Yummmmmm.
A good conversation. One that has you laughing helps too, of course!

A good conversation. (Not a typo.) Especially when you have dinner with friends you haven't talked to in almost a decade and conversation flows like no time has passed. I miss hanging out with you and I am super glad life is treating you both well. Can't wait for the next one!

Snail mail. Do people even remember what this is?!? With emails and Facebook invites, I feel that the world is forgetting the excitement we all experienced getting letters in the mail as a child. Yes, it's quicker the internet way and stamps are getting more and more expensive. Personal letters are, and will always be, the best. I love getting the mail. Now, I do put it aside when I know it's bills, advertising, etc., but that one note in the mail, whether it's a thank you or birthday card, makes my day!

A clean house. Haha, it's not as clean as I want it majority of the time, but when it's clean, really clean, I am one happy girl!

Leg warmers. We have decided to try and not turn the heat up as high [as I like it] this winter. That means I'm going to be cold. I heart my new leg warmers and am excited to wear them. Especially since it's getting cooler outside. Brrrr!
Hiding under my jeans are stylish and warm leg warmers!
 Crock pots. Yes, I have 2 of them. There are some amazing recipes out there and I love the easy clean up! With my new found time, I have decided to cook more often and I think that makes a happy husband. Using the crock pot still allows me to cook, however I don't have to be home or stuck in the kitchen the entire time the food is making itself tasty. It's a win-win situation for me. Home-cooked meals and easy clean up? What's not to love about a Crock pot?

A good book. I am not the biggest reader, but I love a good book. My friend just invited me to join GoodReads and there are a lot of good books out there! I can't wait to become a bookworm. To live in another "world" for a couple of hours a day is not only a nice change, it's good for the brain. I'm also attempting to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's. Ask me in 40 years if it worked.

Pinterest. What is this you say? It's this amazing website that has everything from pictures of cute animals to recipes and craft ideas. It is awesome! Sometimes I have to pry myself away from this website to accomplish adult-like things like cleaning and cooking.
"No I haven't seen your lipstick"... found on Pinterest.
 An unexpected surprise. My husband doesn't like Valentine's day, so I don't expect flowers on February 14th. However, when he comes home from work on a random day with a bouquet in hand, that is the best surprise! I love things like that! Yes, I say I love surprises... however, as I tried to explain to my husband, that means I have no clue about said surprise. If it's my birthday week and I know you bought me something, I will bug you until you A) give it to me or B) tell me what it is. I can't help it! I don't like waiting!!! But when I really am not expecting something, I have the biggest smile ever and my heart gets all warm knowing I was thought of. For example, I came home from work Halloween morning to a Halloween card, a bag of my favorite candies, and a couple of random things we needed around the house that we continued to forget every week while shopping. So thoughtful and a total surprise. Definitely cheered me up after a long work night.

Pink lipstick. Yes, this cheers me up. I can't always pull off fun colors because of my complexion and hair color, but I love me some pink lips. Does it look that bad???

Pink lipstick is the best!
These little things can change my day. They are simple and inexpensive. Some are time consuming, others mindless activities. In the end, I don't care what they may be, I only care that they can cheer me up. I'd rather have wrinkles around my mouth and eyes from smiling too much than from frowning.

Fun fact: You burn more calories smiling than frowning. I'll gladly smile over the little things in life.

What are the little things that cheer you up??

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