Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A is for....

A. The first letter of the Alphabet. It's pretty powerful, being in the number 1 spot. I wonder if "A" knows it?

That mighty first-letter-of-the-Alphabet is also the first letter of some pretty powerful words. Here are some examples:


I also know Abdomen. It may not be powerful to you, but it sure is mighty powerful to me.

I'm Assuming you all know by now that I have CD. Obviously. Well, maybe not. Maybe you didn't read my first post. Anyway, my Abdomen has some power over my very existence in the world. It can control me from time to time, telling me what to eat and not eat via messages it sends to my brain and TJ. It tells me when to slow down and when to seek Assistance from the doctor. While I try not to let it control me, sometimes I just give in. I take it as a sign that I need to slow down and Actually take care of my health. I don't let it define who I am, but try to make it part of the entire me. Because, let's face it, I would be in a very different place had I not been diagnosed with CD. Good or bad... I'll never know.

Now, here comes the tricky part. The others words listed Above tie into the mighty word Abdomen. Yup, it's true! Of course, those words have other reasons to be used in my every day vocabulary, but I'll try to just focus on the topic at hand.

Abnormality. This one should be pretty simple to figure out. My Abdomen is Abnormal, so you can say I have an Abnormality. Food, stress, the weather... they all can create mayhem to my Abnormal Abdomen. I have learned how to deal with it over the course of the years, however I do envy those that are normal. Ha! Is there really such a thing as normal? No. I don't think so. But to me, being normal means I don't have CD and I can eat what I want. Oh, to dream!

Vodka, anyone??
Absolute. Just that word Alone, you may think immediately of vodka. I know I would. However, we are talking about my Abdomen here, not a martini or cocktail or whatever your vodka beverage of choice may be. (Plus, it's not spelled the same way :-( Sorry.) CD is Absolute. There is NO cure. So, I am "stuck" with it forever. Or at least until they find a cure. I try to stay up to date on the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, or CCFA, and fundraise to help find that cure. They have this awesome running program called Team Challenge that I am highly considering joining. You raise money (and lots of it) and train for a half marathon. Yup, 13.1 miles. Best part? They cover your expenses for 3 days of travel to participate! It seems pretty cool, and after my first half marathon experience (Although I told myself I would never do that Again), I really would love to meet others who have CD and see more of our country! (Also, I'm secretly trying to get rid of the link between Absolute and my Abdomen. And I don't mean filling it with vodka.)

 Absent. From time to time, I will be Absent from events. Not because I want to be, but because my Abdomen tells me I need to. When I tell you I am no longer going to make said event, don't go cursing me when I hang up the phone or after your read your email. Know that I would personally prefer to be hanging out with people doing fun things, rather than sitting at home in bed or on the couch with a heating pad, medication, and a cute puppy wishing I could be there. Ask if I'm okay. People no longer Ask me why I may have to cancel. People just say, "okay, sorry you can't come." Really people? Maybe a little sympathy or words of encouragement are more of what I need to hear, rather than "okay." Okay??

Half marathon proof :-)
 Accomplishment. Even with said Abdominal issues, I still feel like I've Accomplished some pretty big things in my life. For example, I graduated from high school with honors, graduated from college twice with honors, was president of a sorority, started a career, and ran my first half marathon! While it may not seem like that long of a list (I'm sure there is more, however these are the big ones in my mind), it's quite the Accomplishment for me! Not only did I have to deal with my Abdomen every single step of the way, including, but not limited to hospitalizations, surgeries, stress, etc., but I managed to rock it out, despite my health. My new favorite word that I feel is a strength? Perseverance. I know it doesn't start with an A, however I feel it suits me perfectly. What do you think?

 Annoying. I'm not exactly sure I need to explain why I feel my Abdomen is Annoying. It's Annoying because it causes pain. It's Annoying because of TJ. It's Annoying because it won't Allow me to eat foods I used to love and now am secretly Afraid of. CD is plain ole ANNOYING. I think that sums it up.

Angry. Yes, this word fits. I am Angry I have to deal with my Abdomen on a daily/hourly basis and the whole CD and TJ thing. I'm Angry because I'm a good person and never thought I would have to live with such issues. People Always say God doesn't give you more than you can handle, however what do they know? Who Actually knows I'm handling it? So yeah, I'm Angry. Nonetheless, I put on my smiley face and carry about my daily life, hoping something good will come my way and help me forget about me being Angry about my Abdomen. Maybe I should be an Actress?!?! No, but really, I will Always be Angry deep down, however most of the time, my happy/smiley face is the real thing. Over the years I have learned to Accept it, even when it does bring me down, and try to remind myself that I would not be where I am today if things were different. I guess my Anger about my Abdomen is a blessing in disguise? I'm still trying to figure it out. Stay tuned.

Awesome. With all that being said, I have an Awesome support system. I have the most wonderful family members in the world. Super, supportive parents/husband/sister/in-laws, etc and I could not have Asked for better people to be there for me unconditionally. Well, they are kind of forced on occasion, since they ARE family. Hehe. But in all seriousness, I am lucky to have them. I also have pretty Awesome friends. Over the years, I have learned who are truly the Awesome ones and let the others go. My Absolute closest friends know they are Awesome. But maybe I should tell them more often? Yes, I will work on that.

From time to time, I even think I'm pretty Awesome. Oh yeah, then my Abdomen knocks me back down to reality and reminds me that I still have to work on that. No joke. 

Those words that start with the first letter of the Alphabet are mighty powerful in my life. Every day is a new Adventure. Every day is a new opportunity for me to work on being Awesome. And every day is a new day to remind me that I should not dwell on the negative A-words, but focus on the positive ones and persevere. Because remember? It's my new word. :-)

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